General rules

warningAccording to the 36th act of Explosives Regulations we are obliged to consider the following limitations of using pyrotechnic products:

  1. Pyrotechnical products belonging to class I and class II where main effect is bang, are allowed to be sold from 19th to 31th December.
  2. Pyrotechnic products belonging to class I and class II where main effect is bang, are allowed to be used from 26th December to 2nd January.
  3. The use of pyrotechnic products belonging to class I and class II where main effect is bang, is permited in merged localities, in buildings and closed areas, near hospitals, in vehicles for public transport and in all areas, where public meetings or ceremonies are held.
  4. People under the age of 15 can sell and use only the pyrotechnic products of class I and class II, and only under the supervision of their parents or guardians.
  5. When using pyrotechnical products, follow the instructions on the package.

It is permited:

  • to remodel pyrotechnic materials to gain a bigger effect
  • using in other objects
  • making pyrotechnic products or mixtures
  • to resell pyrotechnic products.


Pyrotechnic products are classified into the following categories according to the quantity of explosive filling:



Uradni list | 4492. Firework official goverment rules